Monday, June 23, 2008

Ramblings V: "Women of a Certain Age"

For a few weeks now the phrase women of "a certain age" has been percolating in my head. No one ever says exactly what that "a certain age" is, but I know I am one and I have some thoughts on it....
It seems to me that "a certain age":

A) Brings great freedom and liberation; my days of sweating the small stuff and being easily are offended are over. Last week in our Bible study on Song of Solomon, the maiden is compared to Pharaoh's Mare, I puzzled over this and learned it was a high complement. I could relate as my pedicurist recommended some cream for my feet that goes by the name of hoof cream and is used by the best horse trainers. I 'm OK with it !

B) Isn't conducive to sleeping well. I get hot and I get stiff and I wake up early. Two of my friends have told me that when you have a colonoscopy it is the best sleep you will ever have, which is good since....

C) Means we all spend lots of time having tests, checks, and procedures...currently my year includes 2 dental cleanings, one eye check and glaucoma screening, a pap smear, a mammogram, an occasional colonoscopy and a dermatologist skin screen. Ah, but as a woman of a certain age, while I lather on suncreen to avoid looking like a well used catcher's mitt, I still remember baby oil and noonday lounging on the roof of a dorm at Auburn !!

D)lumps all women over 50 together and I like that !!! That means we will age no more. This makes me think of my Mama, who was offended when a newspaper headline about an elderly woman revealed that woman was in her early 70's . Of course Mama was offended, she is 80, rides her bike 6 miles daily, works in her yard unceasingly and will tell you quickly that young Dr. Morriss ,who is my age :) ,says she has the heart of a 20 year old!!!


sandy said...

Wow, I didn't realize you were a woman of that certain age (whatever that means). I find it ironic that most of the time when Docs or other professionals use that terminology they are only babes. I can't help but think when they utter such, "You will be there one day and I hope that I an not to old and or blind (I know I will not be able to hear) to witness you at the certain age!!" I am with your Mother!

Major Allen Espy said...

the catcher's mitt analogy was funny. Hhhmmmm. Song of Solomon?? That was one book my hardline Baptist friends and I avoided reading when I was in school. It was too risque! =)