Monday, May 5, 2008

The "Tackle it Tuesday"Challenge

What more perfect way to start some intentional organization than to take the Tackle it Tuesday challenge !!!

So....I unloaded my laundry basket of important papers, receipts, sticky notes,bills, cancelled checks, ATM slips, etc..etc...etc...I referred back to an article titled "Get Organized: Tap the Power of Planners" from . After re-reading and highlighting, I was ready to begin.

I printed the planner pages I thought would work for me and I sorted my papers on the table and threw away a multitude of unimportant information!!

Just as I was about to begin putting my 3-ring notebook planner together, I had unexpected (yet welcome) company so...I leave you now and plan to finish this project on what most likely will become a tradition for me Wrap It Up Wednesday !!


Erin said...

Awwwww!! Mama this is perfect!! I knew you could do it-I am so proud of you:) Keep up the good work, I am sending a mass email to check out the site-

Unknown said...

Great idea! But, I'm not signing up yet!!